Standard Of Perfection
Schedule of Points
GENERAL TYPE..............75 points
Feet & Legs...... 4
Tail.................. 1
FUR.............................. 10 points
COLOR......................... 10 points
CONDITION.................. 5 points
TOTAL........................100 points

Showroom Classes and Weights
Senior Bucks and Does - 6 months of age and over, not over 3 1/2 pounds. Ideal weight 2 1/2 pounds.
Junior Bucks and Does - Under 6 months of age, not over 2 1/2 pounds. Minimum weight is 1 1/2 pounds.
Note: Juniors which exceed maximum weight limits may be shown in higher age classifications. No animal may be shown in a lower age classification than its true age.
Note: Do not flatten or stretch out the Polish, or cover up the head, other than to evaluate type. The more alert Polish will present the all-important head, ears and eyes in their more natural position.
GENERAL TYPE...75 Points
Body---25 Points
The body is to be small, compact and close coupled. Hips should be well rounded, wider than shoulders, but not broad and flat. Back is to be medium width, well rounded and giving a rather short appearance. Width of body is to provide a uniform taper through the hips, mid-section and shoulders. The body top line should rise gradually from the ear base to the highest point at the center of the hips and then fall in a smooth curve to the base of the tail.
Faults-Long in body: protruding hips: flat broad hips: not well rounded.
Disqualification-Dewlap However allow for pencil line.
Head---15 Points
The head should be medium full and short, with full cheeks and muzzle. It is to be slightly broader in bucks than does. When viewed from the side, there should be a slight curvature in the skull from the base of the ears toward the nose, and there should be a slight roundness between the eyes.
Faults-Long head, pointed nose or pinched muzzle; flat or concave between the eyes; Dwarf type head.
Note to Judges: The Polish rabbit head is not to be round from all directions, nor is the head to sit high on the shoulders.
Ears---15 Points
Ears are to be small and balance with the body. They are to be well formed, of good substance, set close together, an touch each other all the way up, without showing flanges in frontal view. Base of the ears is to be in proportion to the head.
Faults-Scissored; bowed; "V" spread carriage. Not well furred or lacking substance.
Disqualification-Ear length over 3 inches.
Eyes---15 Points
Eyes are to be large, bold, expressive and bright.
Feet & Legs---4 Points
Feet and legs are to be short, with fine bone. Toenails are to be white on white varieties and to match the body color on colored varieties.
Disqualifications-One or more colored toenails on whites; one or more white toenails on colored varieties. Toenails not matching on same foot or corresponding foot.
Tail...1 point
The tail is to be short, full and in proportion to the body. It should harmonize in color with the body.
Fur...10 Points
(Flyback) The fur is to be a short, fine dense flyback coat. The fur should be clean and have a glossy luster, free from molt.
Faults-Lack of finish to coat; cottony texture; harsh texture; too long in length with excessive guard hair.
Disqualification-Rollback fur.
Color...10 Points
Black- Color to be a dense, uniform, glossy, jet black top color, carried well down towards the skin, blending into a slate blue undercolor next to the skin. Eyes-Brown.
Blue-Color to be a dense, uniform, very glossy, dark blue top color, carried well down towards the skin, blending into a slate blue undercolor next to the skin. Eyes-Blue-Gray
Broken-Color is to include any recognized variety in conjunction with white. It is to have both ears colored, color around the eyes and on the nose. (No preference given for a nose butterfly over an evenly balanced nose marking). The body pattern may be spotted, with individual colored spots or patches over the back, sides and hips, or a blanket pattern with color stating at or near the neck and continuing over the back, sides and hips. Preference to be given to an evenly balanced pattern. Toenails should be white, but no fault or disqualification for colored toe nail(s). Eyes-Color to correspond to the colored variety requirement.
Faults-Unbalanced nose marking; scattered white hairs in the ears; unbalanced body markings; uneven color.
Disqualification- The complete absence of color on the nose, around either eye, or non either ear. Eye color other than called for. Escessive scattered white hairs in colored section. (No disqyualification for white spots in the colored section). Color less than 10% or more than 50% (Judges opinion)
Chocolate-Color to be a dense, uniform, glossy, dark chocolate brown top color, carried well down towards the skin, blending into a bluish dove color next to the skin. Eyes-Brown, ruby permitted.
White-Blue Eyed White (BEW)- Color is to be a uniform white throughout. Eyes-Dark Blue, showing a little red in light.
White-Ruby Eyed White (REW) Color is to be uniform white throughout. Eyes-Bright Ruby-Red pupil, with pink iris.
Faults all varieties-Pale colored eyes. Pale undercolor, approaching white in colored varieties.
Disqualitication-Eyes anyother color than call for in the variety.
Condition...5 Points
Per ARBA definition...(2011 Edition ARBA Standard of Perfection-Condition: The overall physical stateof ta rabbit in relation to health, cleanliness, fur and grooming).